Thursday, May 24, 2018

150: "The Tooth About Cats & Dogs" - Tooth Fairy (2010)

SNL 5 time host Dwayne Johnson is the name we picked out of the hat and we are watching the punderful family film Tooth Fairy which also features SNL alum Billy Crystal.  I hope you like puns because this movie has a mouthful.  Johnson stars as a hockey player who is either the biggest jerk in the world or the nicest guy ever depending on which scene in the movie he's in.  After telling a young girl that tooth fairies don't exist he is sentenced to be a tooth fairy.  He can't tell anyone that he is a tooth fairy because if people found out that tooth fairies do exist it would ruin the magic.  So, tooth fairies operate in secrecy, don't want people to know they exist, but if someone says they don't exist they punish them.  They also collect teeth in exchange for money for some unknown reason.  This movie has a lot of problems.  Enjoy!

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