You didn't think it could get more racist, did you? Well this week on Saturday Night Jive the Chevy Chase conversation continues as we tackle Fletch Lives. This sequel to Chevy's favorite film is at the same time better and worse than the first one. It's worse because it's arguably not a well made film but it's better for the same reason and the accidental (or purposeful) racism. Here's a taste, Fletch has a fantasy about dancing with his slaves on his plantation. Enjoy!
Saturday, December 29, 2018
Wednesday, December 19, 2018
171: "Here's Another Thing About Microfiche" - Fletch (1985)
This week on Saturday Night Jive we are talking about Chevy Chase's personal favorite film. It's Fletch from 1985 starring Chase as a bumbling newspaper reporter who acts like a detective. When his boss asks him to write a story about drugs on the beach, Fletch is like "No way, man. I'm gonna write a story about something else and you're gonna pay for all my plane fare". This movie is fairly mediocore, not bad, not good but definitely not a classic like some may see it. Here us cover everything Fletch from his disguises to his inability to work a tape recorder to his possible sexual harassment of Geena Davis. Enjoy!
Thursday, December 6, 2018
170: "The Crossover Episode" - Delgo (2008)
Ben has another podcast "Head Cannon" (available wherever you get your podcasts) so he graced us with his presence and we did a crossover episode. Even though he would have been here anyway. Whatever the case may be, we watched Delgo a huge box office bomb from 2008 featuring SNL alum Chris Kattan and a voice cast of people that you would not be able to recognize if their names weren't on screen. Is there a more recognizable voice you can think of other than Freddie Prinze, Jr.? How about Jennifer Love Hewitt? Sally Kellerman? This movie is about a race of lizard people and fairies who don't get along and then some stuff happens. We pitch out an extended universe for this turd, so enjoy!
Wednesday, November 14, 2018
169: "The Magic Death Tree" - A Thousand Words (2012)
We've come to the end of The Fall Of Eddie Murphy and we are talking about his 2012 comedy A Thousand Words. Murphy plays a motormouth literary agent who gets cursed by a magic death tree, for some reason. A leaf falls off for every word he says and when the last leaf drops he will die. You know, like a tree dies when all the leaves fall off. Wait, that isn't true. Meh, who cares? All of this magic science is just the best guess of a spiritual guru. He doesn't even know what's going on and it seems to be his magic death tree. This movie has a lot of problems, the biggest of which involves a talking Austin Powers doll. Enjoy!
Thursday, November 8, 2018
168: "A Big Black Spaceship Dick" - Meet Dave (2008)
Question: If you were building a spaceship, would you make it look like you? Would you make it anatomically correct? Would you put a pencil sharpener in the nose? Would you make it so it makes poopy faces when things come out the butthole? All these questions are not answered in Meet Dave but it's still a pretty funny movie. Eddie Murphy stars as the captain of an Eddie Murphy spaceship. He and his crew are on Earth to steal the salt from our oceans but along the way they start to respect our way of life, which is reasonable as they are so close to humans to begin with. We got one more movie after this for our Fall Of Murphy. Enjoy!
Thursday, November 1, 2018
167: "Bananas Exist In This Universe" - Showtime (2002)
We're continuing our Eddie Murphy binge with 2002's Showtime. While not a good movie, it probably doesn't deserve the scorn it received. Coming out the same year as The Adventures Of Pluto Nash and I Spy, two other Murphy bombs, probably didn't help it. Murphy and De Niro play cops who get hired to star in a reality show that apparently has a tight post-production schedule as they are watching it almost instantly after filming it. There's a lot that doesn't add up here and we get into all of it and also inadvertently prove O.J.'s guilt. Enjoy!
Thursday, October 25, 2018
166: "E Pluribus Butt Pie" - The Golden Child (1986)
We watched The Golden Child starring Eddie Murphy as a guy who likes finding lost children, the film never establishes that he works for the police force so we think pedophilia is just his hobby and his job is laughing. If Eddie got paid per Eddie Murphy laugh in this film he would make as much money as, well probably however much money Eddie got paid to be in this turd. A child with magical powers is being hunted by a bunch of demons and Eddie is "the chosen one" who can stop them. It's a big mess. Enjoy!
Friday, October 12, 2018
165: "It's Like A Metaphor" - How Sweet It Is (2013)
Well, we finally did it. We reached out our hands to George's DVD shelf and watched the obscure Joe Piscopo musical from 2013, How Sweet It Is. What a surprise this was. We liked it! Piscopo turns in a good performance, the movie knew when to be absurd and when to be sweet. 6 years after buying this, we found that it was money well spent. Enjoy!
Thursday, October 4, 2018
164: "Urine Scenes And Facials" - Hollywood And Wine (2009)
This week we watched Hollywood And Wine featuring SNL alums Chris
Kattan, Norm MacDonald, Horatio Sanz and David Spade. Written and
directed by the brothers of late great SNL giant Chris Farley, Kevin and
John Farley. This movie gives us the answer to the question, is comedy
genetic? Turns out, No. This movie is pretty abysmal except for the
brilliant performance of Norm as an old school porn director and the
exuberance of Horatio as the main character's best friend who has a
penchant for throwing food items. We also talk a bit about the premiere
of SNL season 44 and Kanye West's pro Trump outburst. Enjoy!
Available on iTunes or wherever you get podcasts. Leave us a review!
Thursday, September 27, 2018
163: "Machina" - Working Trash (1990)
Short lived SNL cast member Ben Stiller in his first leading role and first time SNL host George Carlin starred in FOX's first made for television movie Working Trash. Two janitors find insider stock tips in the trash and invest. Thanks to that demonic shredder. Enjoy!
Thursday, September 13, 2018
162: "It's F**k Or Treasure Hunt" - Million Dollar Mystery (1987)
Oh man, oh man. We just found my new favorite movie. Million Dollar Mystery stars a cast of dozen C-level comedians in a straight rip-off of It's A Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World...and it's awesome. SNL alum Rich Hall co-stars as Vietnam vet Slaughter Buzzard so we watched it and it did not disappoint. When it was funny it was funny, when it wasn't funny it was so bad it's good funny. Tom Bosley dies from a bowl of chili and tells a room full of people about $4 million dollars he hid on 4 different bridges. They chase after it but along the way they meet wrestlers in a motor home, Kevin Pollak doing impressions, guys eating toxic waster, film noir style private eyes, industrial size shredders, all the while Eddie Deezen is just trying to get his rocks off with his new bride. I unabashedly loved this movie and there is also a bizarre piece of trivia about this film. There was a tie-in promotion with Glad trash bags where you could win $1 million if you followed the clues. Spoiler alert: The movie ends with a dude looking straight into camera and basically telling you to enter the contest. It's weird, but also beautiful. Watch this movie and listen to us talk about it. Enjoy!
Thursday, September 6, 2018
161: "If You Think It's Poop, Give It A Taste" - The Year Without A Santa Claus (2006)
Our final 5 timers club member John Goodman is our subject this week and did you know that in 2006 he starred as Santa in a live action television adaptation of The Year Without A Santa Claus?
Also featuring SNL alums Michael McKean as Snow Miser and Chris Kattan
as Sparky the Elf, this film is cheap, horribly edited, nonsensical at
most points but also has a charm all its own. It's not a good film by
any means but it's pleasant. How does Santa make a profit? Why is the
magical telescope coin operated? How many mottos can one man have? Did
Chris Kattan have pinkeye? All these questions and more on this week's
Saturday Night Jive. Enjoy!
Saturday, August 25, 2018
160: "I Shoulda Smoked Weed" - Rude Awakening (1989)

Welcome back to the show, man. This week we watched a Buck Henry movie from 1989 starring Eric Roberts and Cheech Marin. Rude Awakening is about two hippies who hide in the jungle for 20 years only to come back and find out that their friends have all sold out. It starts off really good and then quickly becomes terrible. Then it has a hilarious ending that made us question what exactly the movie was trying to say. Are the hippies the good guys or the bad guys Is Eric Roberts a narc? Is that the fakest fake beard to exist in a film? These questions and more on this week's episode of Saturday Night Jive. Enjoy!
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Thursday, August 2, 2018
159: "Porn And Corn" - Going Ape (1981)/Twins (1988)
We pulled SNL 5-timers club member Danny DeVito out of the hat so we watched Going Ape from 1981 starring Tony Danza and a couple of monkeys. 20 minutes later, the file we were watching stopped working so we did what anybody would do. We started watching Twins from 1988 starring DeVito and Arnold Schwarzenegger. But we didn't want to waste any time so we started it 20 minutes in. So this is a film where Tony Danza is forced to live with 3 chimpanzees and Danny DeVito. Just as the mob is starting to get involved the movie jumps ahead 7 years and Danny is a small time hood who finds out he is the genetically inferior twin brother of a muscle bound Austrian. It's weird. Join in on the madness and enjoy!
Thursday, July 26, 2018
158: "Miami: The Land Of Cockfights" - Stick (1985)
Burt Reynolds is Ernest "Stick" Stickley in Elmore Leonard's Stick. Directed by Reynolds, this 80s action movie is pretty decent (and available on YouTube) except for the tacked on love interest, which is the reason we watched the film. We pulled 5 timers club member Candice Bergen out of the hat and she shows up about 40 minutes in to have sex with Stick and then she promptly exits the movie. It's not her fault, nobody can resist Stick. If you don't want to have sex with him you either want to kill him or be his best friend. I'm a little surprised that the albino assassin didn't try to make out with him. After a drug deal gone wrong, Stick loses his best friend and plots revenge on those responsible usually resorting to his favorite method, lighting people and things on fire. Enjoy!
Thursday, July 19, 2018
157: "Poop Juice On The Jambalaya" - Bringing Down The House (2003)
It's Steve Martin week on SNL and we watched Bringing Down The House from 2003 starring Martin, Queen Latifah, Eugene Levy and racist old Betty White. It's truly bizarre how we come across so many racist movies just by picking random actor names out of a hat. We watched Soul Man, Krippendorf's Tribe, Who's Your Caddy? and Marci X but this week brings us another squeamish gem as Steve Martin gets catfished by a convict and travels down a rabbit hole where everyone hates black people. That's not too hard in this film as all the black people are just walking and talking racist stereotypes. Enjoy!
Saturday, July 14, 2018
156: "Chekhov's Humping Elephants" - The Love Guru (2008)
It took 156 episodes but we are just finally getting to The Love Guru. Why are we talking about this 2008 gem starring Mike Myers as a fame hungry self help charlatan? Because 5 timers club member Justin Timberlake co-stars as Jacques "Le Coq" Grande a Canadian hockey player with a huge dick. If you think that joke is funny then you should watch this film because they beat that into the ground along with every other unfunny thing that popped into Mike Myers's head. Verne Troyer is small, Indian people have funny names, jokes you said on the playground when you were 7 still work when you are an adult and if all else fails how about a kick to the nuts. It's a sight to behold as it almost seems like they are trying to make the worst movie ever made. Was this all a "Producers" like scam to abscond with 60 million dollars? And what's with the incessant mugging to the camera? All this and more on this week's episode of Saturday Night Jive. Enjoy!
Saturday, July 7, 2018
155: "Monkeys Are Different Than Dogs" - Beverly Hills Chihuahua (2008)
We pulled SNL 5 timers club member Drew Barrymore out of the hat so we watched Beverly Hills Chihuahua alone in the dark on a Saturday night. We make good life decisions. Chloe is a pampered pooch living the good life when she gets lost in Mexico and forced into the underground world of dog fighting. While technically this is a movie, it is not a good one. Enjoy!
Thursday, June 28, 2018
154: "I Wonder If The Koala Has AIDS" - Sing (2016)
It's time for another jukebox musical. It's Sing the 2016 animated family comedy from the studio that brought you a bunch of minion backpacks. 5 time SNL host Scarlett Johansson voices a porcupine but we also get SNL cast members Jay Pharoah, Beck Bennett, Leslie Jones and Laraine Newman as various creatures. This movie is a mess. First thing wrong here, the fact that the characters are animals has nothing to do with anything. These characters could be human and nothing would change or you could switch out their species and nothing would change. The second thing wrong here, everything else. Enjoy!
Wednesday, June 20, 2018
153: "Marconi Plays The Mamba" - Rock Of Ages (2012)
Well, we got 6 minutes into Thomas And The Magic Railroad and were thoroughly perplexed so we switched to our backup Alec Baldwin film Rock Of Ages. This jukebox musical features your favorite songs from the 80s done in a musical theater style. You know, to make them shitty. Tom Cruise gives a terrific performance while Baldwin doesn't seem to want to be there and why didn't they let Giamatti croon?
Monday, June 11, 2018
152: "That's A Pretty Big Leap, Joe Mantegna" - Mazes And Monsters (1982)
5 time host Tom Hanks is the name we picked out of the hat and we went back to the beginning with a TV movie from 1982 called Mazes And Monsters. Hanks stars as a college kid with an unhealthy obsession with a Dungeons & Dragons style game. Things get a bit nerdy as Ben shows off his D&D knowledge and George discusses his love for Criminal Minds. Also George figures out why he's not good at role playing games. Enjoy!
Thursday, May 31, 2018
151: "Sucking Cat Cock For Catnip" - Nine Lives (2016)
Meow, this was bad. Frequent SNL host Christopher Walken stars in Nine Lives from 2016 starring a lifeless voice over performance from disgraced boy lover Kevin Spacey over footage of a CGI cat. We watched Mr. Fuzzypants learn his lesson about being a good dad. Enjoy!
Thursday, May 24, 2018
150: "The Tooth About Cats & Dogs" - Tooth Fairy (2010)
SNL 5 time host Dwayne Johnson is the name we picked out of the hat and we are watching the punderful family film Tooth Fairy which also features SNL alum Billy Crystal. I hope you like puns because this movie has a mouthful. Johnson stars as a hockey player who is either the biggest jerk in the world or the nicest guy ever depending on which scene in the movie he's in. After telling a young girl that tooth fairies don't exist he is sentenced to be a tooth fairy. He can't tell anyone that he is a tooth fairy because if people found out that tooth fairies do exist it would ruin the magic. So, tooth fairies operate in secrecy, don't want people to know they exist, but if someone says they don't exist they punish them. They also collect teeth in exchange for money for some unknown reason. This movie has a lot of problems. Enjoy!
Wednesday, May 16, 2018
149: "Uncle No-No's Home For Wayward Kangaroos" - Matilda (1978)
5 time SNL host Elliot Gould is the subject of this week's episode so we watched Matilda from 1978 starring Gould and a guy in a cheap looking kangaroo costume. A poor immigrant comes to America with a kangaroo (for unknown reasons). The kangaroo has a penchant for punching people in the face so they do what anyone would do, they partner with a sleazy talent agent and try to get the kangaroo a boxing license so it can compete for the heavyweight title. There is also a, you guessed it, mafia subplot featuring the guy who played Luca Brasi in The Godfather. This movie is pretty unwatchable but stupid enough to be bearable. Sorry for the delay in new episodes, while we've been recording I have been way behind in getting them edited. Enjoy!
Monday, April 16, 2018
148: "God Bless You, Penis" - Gigli (2003)
Ugh. SNL 5-timer Ben Affleck was the name we picked out of the hat and what better way to honor his impressive comedy skills than to watch the 2003 dud Gigli. This thing is a big fat turd.
Saturday, April 7, 2018
147: "Like Carl Lewis, In All Ways" - Pumpkin (2002)
Originally from April 7th, 2018.
Not since Hot To Trot have we been so divided on a film. We're on to the SNL 5 timer's club now and our first hat pick is Melissa McCarthy who had a small but pivotal role in the 2002 film where Christina Ricci falls in love with a mentally challenged teenager. We're talking Pumpkin, a movie that Ben loved and George couldn't stand. A lot of questions are raised this week including the most important one of all. Are we retarded and just nobody's telling us?
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Not since Hot To Trot have we been so divided on a film. We're on to the SNL 5 timer's club now and our first hat pick is Melissa McCarthy who had a small but pivotal role in the 2002 film where Christina Ricci falls in love with a mentally challenged teenager. We're talking Pumpkin, a movie that Ben loved and George couldn't stand. A lot of questions are raised this week including the most important one of all. Are we retarded and just nobody's telling us?
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Sunday, April 1, 2018
146: "Raul Julia And His Weird Bug Eyes" - I'll Do Anything (1994)
It's Harry Shearer week on Saturday Night Jive and did you know he's in two scenes of I'll Do Anything?
Did you know that this movie was conceived and shot as musical until
test screenings went poorly and all the songs were taken out? Did you
even know this movie existed? Did you know this podcast existed? Is
this your first podcast ever? Why did you start with this one? You are
an extremely interesting person. I'll Do Anything was written and
directed by James L. Brooks and stars Nick Nolte, a precocious child,
Albert Brooks, Julie Kavner, Tracey Ullman and most importantly two
scenes of SNL alum Harry Shearer. Enjoy!
Tuesday, March 20, 2018
145: "Phones And Meat (And What The Difference Is)" - Head Of State (2003)
It's Chris Rock week on Saturday Night Jive and we watched his 2003 directorial debut Head Of State a movie about the first black president a concept so ludicrous that it happened in real life only 5 years later. This movie is silly and funny but has some moments that need to be discussed mostly revolving around Tracy Morgan's stolen meat salesman character.
Tuesday, March 13, 2018
144: "Let's F**k On Her Corpse" - Duplex (2003)
It's Ben Stiller week on Saturday Night Jive and we're watching the 2003 comedy Duplex directed by Danny DeVito and starring Stiller, Drew Barrymore and a riverdancing old lady who likes to take hot sensual baths. This movie's tone is all over the place and features two of the laziest movie jobs. He's a novelist and she's a magazine editor. Can these two crazy mixed up kids get it together long enough to kill their elderly tenant. Enjoy!
Thursday, March 1, 2018
143" "A Dollar A Day Keeps These Kids Away" - Movie 43
We picked Jason Sudeikis out of the hat which can only mean one thing, we're finally watching Movie 43 a sketch film that is extremely hit or miss. Some sketches are terrible while a few are downright brilliant. See Hugh Jackman with balls on his neck. See Richard Gere fuck a robot. See Jason Sudeikis dressed up as a very cheap looking Batman. See Keiran Culkin and Emma Stone talk dirty to each other. See Chris Pratt poop on Anna Faris. See Chloe Grace Moretz gets her first period. See Halle Berry make guacamole with her tits. Or don't see the movie and listen to us talk about it. Enjoy!
Thursday, February 22, 2018
142: "Pre Teen No Go Prom" - Furry Vengeance (2010)
We've seen a lot of baffling end credit sequences on Saturday Night Jive. We've seen Kelsey Grammer dance to 'In The Navy', Anthony Michael Hall play drums for 4 minutes, Bill Hader walk off set and let's not forget the 7 new characters that were introduced after Master Of Disguise was over. This movie may have the weirdest one yet. We watched Furry Vengeance from 2010 starring SNL alum Rob Riggle and a big fat Brendan Fraser (who apparently came up with the idea for his pink tracksuit). After 80 some odd minutes of skunk sprays and nut shots the entire cast dances and sings along to a kids bop version of 'Insane In The Membrane' complete with pop culture parodies from 30 years ago. What the huh?
Saturday, February 10, 2018
141: "Let's Just Talk About The Alien Penis" - What Planet Are You From? (2000)
What's this? A movie we both enjoyed? Hard to believe but it was Nora Dunn who brought us our first decent movie in quite some time. Well, to be fair, she's only in two scenes and she gets overshadowed by Camryn Manheim's tattooed titties, but she doesn't do anything to harm What Planet Are You From? written by and starring Garry Shandling as an alien trying to impregnate a woman on Earth. The makers of this movie seem to have given at least some shit about the product they put on film, which is very refreshing after the past few weeks of abysmal cinema. We talk about SNL a little this week too and George's obsession with solving the Pat Stevens puzzle, we also pitch our own alien movie, question Garry Shandling's handsomeness and just generally praise the makers of this funny and human film. Enjoy!
Wednesday, January 31, 2018
140: "Where Does The Poo Go?" - Envy (2004)
It's Amy Poehler week on Saturday Night Jive and we're talking about the 2004 film Envy starring Ben Stiller as a guy who gets jealous when his best friend, Jack Black, invents a spray that makes poop disappear. Frequent Saturday Night Jive offender Barry Levinson directed this literal turd where Christopher Walken seems to be doing an impression of Christopher Walken. We never get to find out where the poo goes but we do get to spend some time with the fascinating Bosco, who seems to live in the woods just to carry out errands for Walken. This movie stinks. Enjoy!
Thursday, January 25, 2018
139: "Don't Let The Fonz Touch Your Pee Pee" - P.U.N.K.S. (1999)
It's Randy Quaid week on Saturday Night Jive and we unearthed a kids film from 1999 called P.U.N.K.S. starring Quaid as a George McFly-esque dad who needs to be saved by his kid when his evil boss played by Henry Winkler wants to sell super human suits to terrorists. It's pretty terrible but does have a certain kid power charm to it. If you are an 8 year old boy you would probably love this movie, everyone else can probably skip it. How old is too old for Henry Winkler to play The Fonz? What constitutes 'Stranger Danger'? Who puts cake on their bookshelf? What was Hitler's answering machine message like? Why can't bartenders see through a ZZ Top disguise? These questions and more on this week's episode of Saturday Night Jive. Enjoy!
Thursday, January 18, 2018
138: "You Can't Just Eat Poop" - Year One (2009)
Happy New Year, three weeks late. We watched Year One directed by Harold Ramis and featuring SNL alums Horatio Sanz and Bill Hader. This movie has it all, poo eating, vomit, farts and a guy peeing into his own mouth. It's pretty terrible and what would a terrible comedy be without a confusing blooper reel at the end which confounds more than it does entertain. Enjoy!
Thursday, January 11, 2018
137: "Who are you, Ruth Buzzi?" - Jingle All The Way (1996)
Merry Two Weeks After Christmas. We watched Jingle All The Way starring SNL alums Phil Hartman, Chris Parnell, Laraine Newman and Jim Belushi. Enjoy!
Thursday, January 4, 2018
136: "The Ballad Of Ellen Pompenew" - The Ridiculous 6 (2016)
Previously on Saturday Night Jive we pulled out Tim Meadows and Ellen Pompenew out of the hat. That will all be explained. Well, unforeseeable circumstances happened and we ended up with a lost episode so we called an audible and watched The Ridiculous 6 Adam Sandler's first Netflix original comedy. It's terrible. Enjoy!
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